Northside Traditonal Taekwon-Do (NTTKD)

Northside Traditional Taekwon-Do is committed to supporting the Korean art of Taekwon-Do and has been operating for over 10 years.


We aim to provide students not only with the ability to defend themselves, but also the other benefits including improved self-confidence, fitness and sense of wellbeing.  All of this is delivered using traditional training styles and techniques in a safe, dynamic, friendly and supporting environment.


NTTKD is unusual in that we offer a high teacher-to-student ratio and all teaching is conducted by experienced black belt practitioners.  This ensures that students learn techniques correctly the first time while also remaining challenged.


Self-Confidence Self-Respect Self-Discipline

NTTKD has a range of exercises, activities and programmes to assist individuals develop Self Confidence. The goal of the training is to allow you to recognize situations in which physical self-defense may be necessary, and teaching you how to control such situations to your advantage. Lessons are tailored to your age and skill level.

When someone is lacking self-respect they experience feelings of regret, shame, anger, guilt, and blame. The better you take care of yourself, and the more you tend to your own needs, the more you have to freely give to others. Taekwondo training promotes values such as honesty, courtesy, loyalty, and cooperation. Each is an essential component in Self Respect.

The self-discipline that develops as a result of learning and practicing Taekwon-Do usually carries over into other areas of people's life. School grades often improve as children learn to focus on goal setting, which allows them to work toward achievements. Adults gain clarity as a result of physical exercise and conditioning.

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