Northside Traditonal Taekwon-Do (NTTKD)

Chief Instructor Adam Smith


Martial Arts Philosophy

Know what you want, persevere and do your best to achieve it.  Enjoy the journey and accept setbacks as a learning experience.


Why did you start training

I started my martial arts career in high school with some friends.  As they came and went, martial arts was the constant in my life.


What has been your best moment in the Martial Arts

I have a number of them. Having my family watch me as I have learned and developed over the past 20 years, and having the ability to teach my son what I have learnt are amongst the top.  I also thoroughly enjoy passing my knowledge on to those in the class who come along to learn and enjoy themselves.


Favourite Pattern

All patterns have something to offer.  I enjoy all patterns that have a mix of stances, techinques and rationale for the movements.


Favourite Sparring Technique

I enjoy the ability of close quarters techniques, take-downs and grappling.  That said, anything that you can do well in sparring, including the ability to de-escalate a situation, is always of benefit.


Interests outside of Martial Arts

I enjoy spending quality time with family and friends and being outdoors.


Achievements in Martial Arts

Every belt that I have attained has been an achievement.  Being awarded my third dan black belt by my peers has been a definite highlight.


I also take great pride in the quality of the black belts that our school has produced, both in terms of technique and professionalism.


Over the years I have competed in many tournaments and earnt some accolades and trophies along the way.  The whole experience has been enriching and has had a profound effect on my life.

Chief Instructor Adam

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